Friend sites of Parola Italian language school in Florence

Partner Institutions of Parola Italian Language School

Parola’s Network of Affiliates and Partner Websites

Our Italian language school in Florence is proud to have established partnerships with a variety of esteemed additional schools and institutions, providing our students with valuable recommendations for language learning opportunities both in Italy and around the globe.

Explore the following selection of language institutes and tour organizations that are active in Tuscany and throughout Italy.

If you are interested in exchanging links with Parola Italian language school, please complete our contact form and we will respond promptly to your inquiries.

You can also reach our Italian language school in Florence by calling +39 055 242182.

Please note that our language institute operates Monday through Friday.

Happy students in a language school

Activities Offered by our Partners for Learning Italian and Italy’s culture

Explore our carefully curated links and detailed descriptions of engaging activities offered by our friends, all designed to enhance your journey in learning Italian.

Società Dante Alighieri, schools for promoting the Italian language and the Italian culture throughout the world

Study Abroad Program, choice of Language courses for adults and students to study abroad with a wide range of carefully selected language schools.

One World Italian Online site for Italian language exercises A recognized school on the Grands Boulevards offering French courses all year round

Traveling in Tuscany While Learning Italian La “Giunchiglia” Tour Organization offers guided tours in Lucca and surrounding areas in many languages including Russian and Swedish to discover the beauty of this Tuscan city

Italian Language Learning Opportunities Across the Globe

Explore the diverse range of educational opportunities available worldwide to learn Italian and discover Italian culture.

International Education Financial Aid (IEFA)
Learn Italian On-the-Go 
Robb: Human Languages 
Educazione & Scuola 
Linguas & Linguas
Academic Info
IMAC Spanish Language School in Mexico
Cyber Italian Adults

Contact Parola Italian Language School

For further information about our friend sites, please contact Parola Italian language school or call its headquarters in Florence at +39 055 242182.

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